Nursing Home Abuse: A Growing Trend

September 19, 2013
Nursing Home Abuse: A Growing Trend

Studies show that 1 to 2 million Americans over 65 have been abused, neglected, or mistreated by a trusted caregiver.  Furthermore, one out of every three nursing homes across the country has been cited for nursing home abuse.  This abuse can include neglect, physical, sexual, and emotional abuse.  Unfortunately, many of these cases still go unreported.

What is Considered Abuse?

When the staff of a nursing facility fails to care for its residents in a safe and reasonable manner, abuse occurs. Nursing home abuse is not a cut and dry issue, and if you suspect a loved one has been a victim, you should contact a skilled personal injury lawyer. A personal injury attorney will help you through the process of seeking damages and will advise you of your next step.

Each year approximately 75 percent of nursing home patients suffer from a fall.  This rate is more than double the number of seniors who suffer falls who do not live in a nursing home facility.  This may be due to inattentive staff, slippery floors, or even improper bed height.  Falls are the largest cause of potentially preventable emergency room visits for nursing home residents, at 36 percent of the visits.  Other common symptoms of abuse include dehydration, malnourishment, sepsis, over-medicating, and incorrect medication. Sadly in some cases, this abuse will result in the wrongful death of the victim.

Watch for Warning Signs

It is frightening to think that nursing home abuse can happen to a loved one, however, there are signs you can look out for to make sure that abuse is not occurring.

Possible signs of Nursing Home Neglect/Abuse:

-Bruises and welts

-Burns and abrasions

-Broken bones

-Bad personal hygiene


-Loss of hair

-Sudden change in weight

-An unexplained or unexpected death

Strange behavior, sudden agitation, and emotional withdraw can also be signs indicative of abuse.

If you keep your eyes out for these signs and behaviors, you will help reduce the risk of your loved one being hurt or abused by the people and facilities entrusted with their care.

If you believe your loved one has suffered abuse always contact a skilled lawyer immediately. Consultations are always free, and they will only get paid if you collect damages.

If you or a loved one have been seriously injured in an accident that was not your fault, or you feel you may have a medical malpractice related claim or need social security disability benefits, call Graves McLain, the Tulsa Personal Injury Law Firm for a free confidential consultation at 918-359-6600. An experienced attorney will review your situation at no cost to you. We represent victims and their families in serious injury and death cases arising from medical mistakes, vehicle collisions, and other accidents.

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