Attorney Chad McLain Brings Pool Safety to Good Day Tulsa

June 23, 2020
Attorney Chad McLain Brings Pool Safety to Good Day Tulsa

On Thursday, June 18th, Attorney Chad McLain of Graves McLain appeared via Skype on KTUL’s Good Day Tulsa program to talk about pool safety and what everyone needs to know while having summer fun. Watch the segment:

Pool safety is an important thing for everyone to be aware of, especially now, when people are mostly staying home and looking for ways to spend time outdoors. In fact, approximately 70% of drowning incidents take place at residential locations, and drowning is the leading cause of death in children between the ages of 1 and 4. A recent report shows that over 6,000 non-fatal child drowning injuries were treated in emergency rooms in 2018.

In an effort to help keep its residents safe, Tulsa has specific laws about residential pools. All pools and hot tubs over 24” deep must have a fence or barrier surrounding it, and the fence must be at least 48” tall. Any gate or door that is part of the fence needs to be self-closing and self-latching. If the latch is 54” or less above the bottom of the gate, the latch must be located on the pool side of the fence.

There are steps everyone can take to ensure the safety of kids in the water. One is to make sure your child knows how to swim. If they do not, be sure to teach them or get them lessons. It’s a great idea to make sure you know how to swim well also. Weak swimmers should always wear a life vest. Another safety DO is to learn CPR – for both children and adults. The most important thing you can do is to never leave any children – strong swimmers or not – unattended in or near water. Have an adult act as “point person” to be charged with watching the kids at all times with undivided attention.

Graves McLain is Here to Help

If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident that was not your fault, call Graves McLain right away at 918-359-6600. When you call one of our experienced attorneys, we will speak with you for FREE and determine the best course of action.

We review every detail of your situation at no cost to you—and fight hard to protect your rights. Trust our team, we are here to help. At Graves McLain, you will never pay an attorney’s fee up front—and you owe us nothing until we win your case. At Graves McLain, we don’t get paid until you do.

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