Chad McLain Reviews Driving Safety on Good Day Tulsa

November 19, 2019
Chad McLain Reviews Driving Safety on Good Day Tulsa

On Thursday, November 14th, Attorney Chad McLain of Graves McLain appeared on KTUL’s Good Day Tulsa program to discuss the dangers of drunk driving, especially over the Thanksgiving holiday. Watch the segment:

Thanksgiving is often a time where people travel home to be with their loved ones. Driving is the most popular mode of transportation – in 2018, over 45 million people traveled by car to their destinations. With the increase in motorists on the road comes an increase in the odds of being in a car accident.

Adding to the risk is the fact that the Wednesday before Thanksgiving is one of the heaviest drinking days of the year. Often referred to as “Blackout Wednesday,” bars report dramatic increases in sales on that day. Unfortunately, there is also a large uptick in drunk driving incidents. Drunk driving is estimated to be responsible for over 400 fatalities each Thanksgiving weekend.

In Oklahoma, a driver is considered to be impaired if their BAC (blood alcohol content) registers at .08% or above. Aside from the obvious dangers of operating a motor vehicle while drunk, Oklahoma also imposes stiff penalties for those found to be impaired, including fines, suspension of your driver’s license, and even possible jail time.

However, there are simple steps you can take to avoid finding yourself in a dangerous situation. If you’re heading out and plan to be drinking, ask a companion to be your designated driver. Should you find yourself without a DD, never get behind the wheel if you’ve had anything to drink. Instead, use a ride-sharing service or public transportation. And of course, never let another person drive if they’ve been drinking.

We Can Help

If you or a loved one has been affected by a drunk driving accident that was not your fault, call Graves McLain right away at 918-359-6600. We will speak with you for FREE and determine the best course of action.

We review every detail of your situation at no cost to you—and fight hard to protect your rights. Trust our team, we are here to help. At Graves McLain, you will never pay an attorney’s fee upfront—and you owe us nothing until we win your case. At Graves McLain, we don’t get paid until you do.

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