March 3, 2014

The attorneys at Graves McLain are currently investigating claims involving the Stryker ShapeMatch Cutting Guide. The ShapeMatch Cutting Guide was used during knee replacement surgery in conjunction with the Stryker Triathlon Knee Implant.

The ShapeMatch Cutting Guide was approved through the FDA’s 501K process in May 2011. In November 2012, Stryker ceased marketing the cutting guide and instructed surgeons to stop using the product. In April 2013, the FDA issued a Class I medical device recall for the ShapeMatch Cutting Guide.

What is the ShapeMatch Cutting Guide?

The ShapeMatch Cutting Guide is a single-use, disposable cutting guide. They are used for marking bone cutting prior to surgery and as surgical instrumentation to assist in the positioning of the knee replacement components during surgery.

Concerns for this device are that the cutting guide does not meet FDA parameters and does not meet the parameters entered into the program by the doctor. These deficiencies result in misalignment, joint instability, fracture, limited mobility, chronic pain, and many times can lead to the need for revision surgery.

Potential damages and problems arising from the ShapeMatch cutting guide deficiencies include:

  • Component misalignment
  • Abnormal sounds (scraping, popping, clicking)
  • Decreased mobility and range of motion
  • Limping or difficulty walking
  • Infection
  • Chronic pain (which may worsen over time)
  • Nerve damage
  • Bone Loss
  • Joint instability
  • Premature loosening of the joint
  • Fracture
  • Dislocation
  • Revision surgery
  • Disability
  • Death

Graves McLain continues to research problems not only with the ShapeMatch Cutting Guide but also other potential concerns associated with defective medical devices that may impact our clients. For more information or to see if you have a case, please complete this claim form to start your free consultation with a leading Oklahoma attorney.

Why Choose Graves McLain?

If you or a loved one had a total knee replacement surgery with the Stryker Triathlon knee and you have suffered complications, pain, instability, bone loss or other problems, call our office for a free consultation.

Contact the Tulsa, Oklahoma lawyers at Graves McLain at 1-800-390-6600, or request a free consultation online. An experienced attorney will review your situation at no cost to you. Trust our team, we are here to help.

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