Halloween Safety Tips from Graves McLain

October 30, 2015
Halloween Safety Tips from Graves McLain

Halloween is just around the corner, and children and families throughout Tulsa are preparing their scariest decorations and costumes. Unfortunately, statistics show that Halloween is one of the most dangerous times of the year for young pedestrians.

According to the Center for Disease Control, children are more than twice as likely to be hit by a car and killed on Halloween compared to any other day of the year. Data compiled by USA Today also found that on Halloween night between 1990 and 2010, there were a total of 115 pedestrians under the age of 18 killed in motor vehicle accidents.

Whether you are planning to go trick-or-treating with your children or attend a costume party with your friends, here are some important safety tips that everyone should keep in mind this weekend.

  • Remain Visible: 60% of fatal pedestrian accidents on Halloween were found to occur between the hours of 5 and 9 pm. Low visibility combined with dark clothing and costumes can be a deadly combination. If your child is planning on wearing a dark costume and walking after dark, be sure to include reflective tape, lights, or other objects that can help alert motorists of their presence.
  • Stay on the Sidewalk: Pedestrians should always avoid walking in the street whenever possible. This is especially true on Halloween night when there is sure to be a high volume of both cars and pedestrians on the road. Walking on the sidewalk can greatly reduce your risk of being hit by a car.
  • Travel in Groups: There is safety in numbers. Traveling in groups is safer for both parents and children because it makes it easier for drivers to see you. If you are the parent of an older child that prefers to go out with their friends, make sure that they stay together and do not stray from the group.
  • Use the Crosswalk: Statistics show that only 30% of pedestrian accidents occur at designated crosswalks. That means that pedestrians face a far greater risk of being hit by a car when they cross in the middle of the street or away from designated crosswalks.
  • NEVER Drink and Drive: For adults looking to celebrate with friends and co-workers, there are sure to be plenty of Halloween parties to choose from this weekend. However, just like every other night of the year, it is crucial that you remember to plan a way home ahead of time if you will be consuming alcohol.

Graves McLain, Tulsa Personal Injury law firm, reminds you to NEVER get behind the wheel of a car if you have had anything to drink. Tulsa police will be stepping up their alcohol enforcement efforts this weekend in an effort to make sure that everyone enjoys Halloween safely and responsibly. At Graves McLain, we urge everyone to be safe this weekend and make responsible decisions while celebrating Halloween.

If you or a loved one were injured in a traffic accident caused by an intoxicated, distracted, or negligent driver, you may be entitled to compensation. Call Graves McLain today at 918-359-6600 for a free consultation about your case.

When you call, you will speak with an experienced Tulsa Oklahoma Car Accident and Pedestrian Injury lawyer absolutely FREE. Our experienced legal team will investigate the details of your case and fight hard to ensure you receive the justice you deserve.

When you trust Graves McLain to handle your serious injury case, you will never pay an attorney’s fee up front, and you owe us nothing unless we recover for you. At Graves McLain, we don’t get paid until you do.

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