It’s Time To Spring Your Clocks Forward For Daylight Savings

March 10, 2017
It’s Time To Spring Your Clocks Forward For Daylight Savings

At 2:00 am this Sunday, daylight savings time begins! Don’t forget to move your clocks forward an hour as we enter into Spring! This jump forward also puts us behind an hour in sleep resulting in an increase of drowsy drivers on the roads.

Also, resetting the clock is always a good time to replace the batteries in your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors to make sure you stay safe throughout Spring.

And finally, FOX News reminds us that this time change might be throwing our bodies a curveball. Here are some ways to help our bodies adjust.

  • Eliminate caffeine or alcohol within two hours of bedtime
  • Put yourself on a schedule – go to sleep and get up at the same time each day allowing your body to adjust properly
  • Add 30 minutes of exercise to your daily routine
  • Try to avoid watching television before bed

Don’t forget to adjust your clocks and get some extra sleep to ensure your safety on and off the road.

If you or a loved one is injured in a car accident that was not your fault, call Graves McLain at 918-359-6600. When you call our local Tulsa Oklahoma personal injury law firm, you will speak with an experienced Oklahoma Car Accident attorney absolutely FREE. Our attorneys will investigate every detail of your accident and fight hard to ensure that your rights are protected.

At Graves McLain, you will never pay an attorney’s fee upfront, and you owe us nothing until we win your case. At Graves McLain, we don’t get paid until you do.

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