Waiting to give birth, most women experience the full spectrum of emotions from fear to excitement, anxiously awaiting the safe birth of your baby. During this special time, the last thing you should worry about is if your child is suffering trauma at birth.
The majority of births in the US are normal and most babies come into the world safely and healthy. But sometimes mistakes do happen during the birthing process that can cause birth trauma resulting in a birth injury.
One of the most traumatic injuries a newborn can experience is a lack of oxygen to their brain during labor and birth. Lack of oxygen is a leading contributor to the diagnosis of cerebral palsy. Roughly 20% of babies diagnosed with cerebral palsy are as a result of brain injury during the birthing process.
The birth injury lawyers at Graves McLain have the experience and resources to assist families in need of representation as a result of the negligent acts of healthcare providers whose medical mistakes contribute to a child’s diagnosis of cerebral palsy.
About 10,000 infants are diagnosed with cerebral palsy each year and The United Cerebral Palsy Association estimates that more than 764,000 Americans are living with cerebral palsy.
When medical malpractice is linked to a child’s diagnosis of cerebral palsy, the most common reasons are:
– Excessive use of vacuum extraction
– Improper use of forceps
– Improperly administered medications
– Negligence in monitoring and/or treating the newborn
– Remaining in the birth canal too long
– Failure to recognize signs of fetal distress
– Failure to order a timely C-section
– Failure to act on dangerous fetal heart rate fluctuations
– Failure to timely treat meningitis or jaundice
– Failure to treat a prolapsed cord
The hard fact is that these tragedies do happen, and a hospital or healthcare provider could be responsible.
If you have questions about a birth injury or birth trauma, call Graves McLain to speak with an experienced attorney. We will speak with you for free about the circumstances surrounding your incident and will help you to find answers.
If someone was responsible we will work hard to help seek the justice you deserve. Graves McLain handles birth injury cases. Contact us today to discuss your possible case and learn your options for seeking justice.
Birth injury cases are complicated and require the experienced representation of the Tulsa Oklahoma attorneys at Graves McLain. There is No Attorneys Fee unless we Win Your Case.
There is no charge for Graves McLain to review your potential case. If we decide to represent you, we will handle your case on a contingent fee basis (calculated as a percentage of the recovery we obtain).
Choosing a lawyer is an important decision. You should seek a law firm with substantial experience in successfully handling cases such as Medical Malpractice and Birth Injury cases.
The experienced, caring attorneys at Graves McLain, Tulsa injury law firm, have substantial experience in representing these often difficult, complicated cases. We have the financial resources to conduct a thorough investigation to prosecute the case through trial and appeal if necessary.
Call an experienced Birth Injury Attorney at Graves McLain at 1-800-390-6600 for help.
If you or a loved one has questions about a possible medical malpractice or birth injury claim, we may be able to help. An experienced Tulsa Oklahoma attorney will review the details of your case and determine the best course of action.
Contact us today toll-free at 1-918-359-6600, email us directly, or request a free consultation online. An experienced attorney will review your situation at no cost to you. Trust our team. We’re here to help.
Graves McLain, helping Oklahomans every day seek the justice they deserve