One of the most important things that we can do to protect children in the car is to use a car seat or booster seat properly. Unfortunately, nearly 46 percent of car and booster seats are improperly used, limiting their effectiveness.
While each manufacturer of car seats provides size and weight recommendations, Oklahoma state law requires that parents follow specific guidelines to help keep all children safe.
0-2 years: From birth until two, children must always be in their car seat, which should be positioned facing the rear of the car.
2-4 years: From two until four years of age, children should be positioned to face the front of the car if they no longer fit in the seat while it is rear-facing. The American Association of Pediatrics recommends that children stay rear-facing as long as possible. The car seat should also have a harness.
4-8 years: Children ages four to eight must be in either a forward-facing car seat or booster seat, unless they are taller than 4’9”.
8 years or taller than 4’9”+: Once a child is either eight years old or is taller than 4’9”, he or she must be seated in the car with a properly fitted seat belt. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recommends that all children should ride in the back of the car until they are 13 years old.
Keeping all of these requirements in mind, it is also important to understand that a child should only be seated with just an adult seatbelt without a booster when they are able to:
If you are not sure that your child’s seat is installed properly, or need help, Safe Kids Tulsa offers community events where you can have your seat checked.
There is No Attorney’s Fee Unless We Win Your Case.
If your child has been injured in a car accident, you should not have to pay for someone else’s mistakes. The attorneys at Graves McLain have substantial experience in representing individuals in auto vehicle accidents.
There is no charge for Graves McLain to review your case. If we represent you, we will handle your case on a contingency fee basis (calculated as a percentage of the recovery we obtain). Call an experienced Personal Injury Attorney at Graves McLain at 918-359-6600. Trust our team. We’re here to help.
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