Although school buses are an extremely common mode of transportation for kids all over, they are still not without risk. Because of this, it is a good idea to understand the laws surrounding them and what you can do to keep yourself and students safe.
Speeding in a School Zone
Under Tulsa city law, no individual is allowed to drive more than 25 miles per hour within an area marked as a school zone. These sections are identified as school zones with signs.
If a driver fails to comply with the speed limit in one of these school zones, he or she will receive a fine of anywhere from 10 to more than 500 dollars or imprisonments of 5 to 30 days, or both.
Someone will not be in violation of the law if no school is open within a one-mile radius of the school zone speed limit sign. Nor is it considered to be an active school zone from 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. the following morning.
Can I Pass a School Bus?
You must refrain from passing a bus that is stopped and has its red lights flashing if you are either going in the same direction as it or in either direction if the road is not divided. You do not have to stop when the bus is stopped in a loading zone that is located completely off of the roadway and where the pedestrians are not allowed to cross the roadway.
It is imperative that you remain very alert. Do not engage in any distracting activities such as texting, reading or posting on social media, or making calls on your phone. Always leave more space between you and the bus when you are behind it than you would when driving behind a car.
A convicted violator of this law is obligated to pay a fine of up to $500 or be imprisoned for up to 90 days in jail, or both.
We Can Help
If your child has been injured in an auto vehicle or pedestrian accident, it can have a profound impact on many aspects of life. You and your family should not have to pay for the careless mistakes of someone else. To learn more or to schedule a consultation right away, call Graves McLain at 918-359-6600 today to speak with one of our experienced Tulsa Oklahoma Pedestrian and Auto Accident Attorneys.
Graves McLain, Serious Lawyers for Serious Accidents