Traumatic Brain Injury

What Are The Top 3 Sports That Pose The Greatest Risk Of Concussion?

As we enter into the beginning of a new sports season it is critical to keep in mind the risks associated with many elementary and high school sports. According to the American Academy of Neurology, football, rugby, and soccer pose the greatest risk of concussion to athletes. A concussion is a form of a traumatic brain

September Is National Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month

Thousands of Americans experience a spinal cord injury each year. These injuries are devastating and can result in lifelong care causing significant physical challenges and emotional stress. Living with a spinal cord injury is extremely costly and can result in longstanding medical bills, loss of income, lengthy hospital stays, rehabilitation services and more.  Below are recent

Know the Statistics Behind Spinal Cord Injury

Every year thousands of Americans experience a spinal cord injury. These injuries are devastating and can cause both physical and emotional distress. And the cost of care for a spinal cord related injury is very expensive. Approximately 12,000 new cases of spinal cord injury occur each year, not including those who die due to a

New Technology Serves as a Catalyst in Diagnosing, Simulating and Treating Concussions

A breakthrough in the diagnosis, simulation, and treatment of concussions has been made through the development of virtual reality (VR) headsets. Multiple VR headset devices have been introduced in the medical field to develop a deeper understanding of concussions and diagnose head injuries more efficiently and precisely. This technology could immensely help in diagnosing head

Serious Facts About Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is one of the most devastating causes of death and disability in the U.S, yet very few people are aware of just how widespread the problem is. The Center for Disease Control estimates that every year, at least 1.7 million Americans will suffer a Traumatic Brain Injury. Approximately 50,000 of those

Spinal Cord Injuries Are Life Changing

Spinal Cord injuries are life-changing and oftentimes life-threatening. They can happen in an instant, and your life is changed forever. One day you could be running errands, and the next you’ve had a significant accident that has caused serious injuries that will impact your life and the life of your family. A spinal cord injury

Tips to Help Prevent Fall Sports Injuries

Each year injuries resulting from fall sports are responsible for sending 480,000 kids to emergency rooms across the country. Participation in fall sports is a great opportunity for children of all ages to learn the merits of teamwork and strategy while also helping to keep them physically fit. In today’s age of videogames and television,

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