Personal Injury

Slip and Fall in a Parking Lot? Liability Can Get Complicated

A slip and fall accident can happen nearly any time. While shopping or even going to work, it’s easy to slip and fall in a parking lot. Because the accident doesn’t happen inside a store or building, figuring out the liability can get complicated. Recently, a professional cellist fell in a grocery store parking lot

A Personal Injury Deposition – How Intense Will it Be?

When a personal injury lawsuit is filed both the party seeking damages and the party defending the action are looking for information that will support their positions. During the investigative stage of the process, each party can request information from the other in several ways. If the proper procedures are followed each party is allowed

How Long to File a Lawsuit if a Minor Gets Injured

Back in July 2021, an attorney filed an initial civil relief negligence petition with the Kingfisher County District Court on behalf of a former Kingfisher High School student. The plaintiff was identified as “John Doe No. 1.” in the court filings. The petition was filed about a week before the expiration of Oklahoma’s statute of

What is the role of a personal injury attorney?

Although the U.S. legal system is vast, with tens of thousands of attorneys performing various legal work from writing contracts, to transacting business, and helping with estate planning, one of the most common types of attorneys is the personal injury attorney. What Constitutes Personal Injury? Although a person may experience a personal injury while engaging

Oklahoma Bicycle Laws 

Although most people learn to ride a bicycle when they are young, few are familiar with the bicycle laws established in their state of residence. At Graves McLain, we know the importance of being familiar with your state laws and how this can protect you in case of an accident.

How Do I Find a Reputable Personal Injury Lawyer?

The experience and skills of your lawyer play a significant role in the amount of compensation you receive. With this in mind, it is critical that you ask the right questions when consulting with an attorney. Doing so can make the difference between winning your case, going home with nothing, or receiving significantly less than your case is worth.

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